Talk about books

Characters I used to love

Let’s talk about those book characters that we once loved but now we don’t. 

Today’s Top 5 (from the T5W Goodreads group) is about characters that we loved the first time we read the book, but then we didn’t. They might have changed, we might have changed or maybe we just outgrew them because we are so much more mature now. 

1 Severus Snape.

I used to be the biggest Snape fan after reading his complete story. I cried rivers while reading Deathly Hallows and even more when the movie came out, watching Alan Rickman’s face as he said his famous ‘Always’. My heart still kinda breaks when Dumbledore asks him to kill him, even if that will hurt Snape’s soul. BUT, every time I re-read the series I can’t help but notice how horrible he was, torturing innocent students. I know that he suffered a lot and that he sacrificed a lot. But he’s also Neville’s boggart! Only a big bully would turn out to be a 13-year-old’s greatest fear. Even if Snape was terribly bullied by James and Sirius, he should know that bullying kids is wrong. So, after all this time, I’m still not sure if I should like him. But I definitely don’t love him as I used to.

2 The ‘Dragon’.

If you have read Uprooted’s synopsis you will know that there’s a ‘dragon’ in this book that kidnaps girl. Well, that dragon is actually a powerful wizard. At the beginning of the book he’s really obnoxious and secretive, but I still liked him because I thought he was a tortured soul. And he kind of gets better, he reveals his feelings and shows his sentimental side. Only to reveal that he’s still gross on the inside. I can’t tolerate abusive relationships! And he keeps on being rude to his love interest until the end of the book, and she still loves him. Ugh, I can’t believe I loved him and rooted for him for so long. 

3Daenerys Targaryen.

I used to love the Mother of Dragons. I loved her and supported her for more than three thousand pages. But (without telling any spoilers) she fell from my grace with her obsession with the throne. She started as a strong character but turned into another power-hungry queen that thinks she’s smarter than the others. She might prove me wrong in the future, but right now I think that she talks a lot and is too ambitious just for the sake of restoring her family’s name (a family that, she knows, was crazy). I still wish her the best, but that might be just because her dragons are really cool. 

4Dagny Taggart.

I won’t defend of criticize Atlas Shrugged right now, that would require a complete post! But, if you haven’t read it or heard about it, this book is about a dystopian version of the United Stated where the most prominent industrialists decide to stop working and ‘disappear’. The implications are that, without their minds and support, the whole nation would crumble. Therefore, people should stop criticizing capitalists that only seem to look for themselves, because without them the whole nation would collapse. Dagny Taggart is an Engineer that works really hard and supports this theory that everyone’s main goal should be their own success and happiness. And I really loved her for that. Because she was strong and independent and didn’t care about what other people said. This happened when I was a teenager, though. Now I kinda feel like Dagny was a bit selfish. 


I used to love Aragorn from Lord of the Rings until JUST KIDDING. I still love him. I wish I had that power they have in Inkheart so I could take him out of the pages and marry him. *

*I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of a fifth character.

What are some book characters that you used to love? You can choose any character! Even if you still like them or support them, but you just aren’t obsessed with them anymore. I thought about including Harry Potter because when I was little I had a crush on him. But I still love him, in a different not-so-creepy way 🙂

This article has 6 comments

  1. thebookprophet

    Lol that last one made me laugh. I never liked Snape like other people seemed to. Just because he was bullied and tormented by James doesn’t give him the right to bully and torment students (especially Harry).

  2. Hana Bilqisthi

    Interesting topic. 😀 thank you for sharing 😀

  3. Julie Tyuk

    This is a really nice list!

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