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Geeky summer essentials 2016

Summer is here! Which means increasing heat, sweat and being melted by the sun. On the bright side, there’s all this geeky merch perfect for a day at the beach.

1. Instax Mini 8. It’s the cutest and most popular camera this season. On top of being fun and easy to use, I’ve found that the instant pictures make a perfect souvenir and decoration. The best thing is that I never worry about taking a good picture, or going through a hundred selfies to get my favorite. I think getting a kinda bad picture is part of the charm.

2 .Tardis Swimsuit. I could spend all my life savings on Blackmilk if I’m not careful. This Tardis swimsuit was my favorite from the catalog, but they also have other Doctor Who and DC comics designs. They are all perfect for the beach, pool or to wander around your house if you don’t have air conditioner.

3. Summer Reading Tote. This one is from Evie Seo’s store, a bookaholic I found on Instagram. Since most of us insist on carrying multiple hardcovers around during our trips, I thought it was necessary to add a book bag. It could also work as a beach bag – though I don’t know the difference, since both my book and beach bags carry books-.

4. A Giant Inflatable Unicorn. This one is on my wishlist. I don’t have much to tell about this item except that it was designed to carry two adults. And to fulfill the dreams of those who want to ride off a water unicorn into the sunset.

5. Star Wars Silicone Molds. Since the most important thing in summer – besides sunscreen- is being hydrated, I added these ice molds to make drinking water more fun. If you are anything like -kinda childish- you will look forward to your next glass of water just to add an ice R2-D2 to it. The molds can also be used to make chocolate figures -better save that use for winter though, I don’t think chocolate would survive in the heat-.

6. Dinoplatz Lip Balm. I love these tin lip balms from the Korean brand Too Cool For School. They are moisturizing, easy to carry and leave a lovely hint of color on the lips. The best thing is that they are dinosaur themed! Even though I lose lip products like it was my job, I’ve never lost these tins. It might be the size. Or maybe I just like the design too much.

7. Star Wars Glowing Lightsaber Ice Pop Maker. I make ice pops out of everything -ask my friends, who have been disgusted by some of my experiments-, juice, water, smoothies and anything else I can put on a mold and freeze. It’s really useful to have some of these molds around to make a refreshing and easy snack. Bonus points for the added fun of having a lightsaber battle before the ice pops melt.

8. A towel. As the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy said, a towel is the most massively useful thing you can have. You can lie on it, sleep on it or wrap it around you. It can also be used for other things not so summer related, like wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat and wave it in emergencies as a distress signal. I use it to dry myself.

9. 8 Bit Sunglasses. These are 8-bit cool glasses from Think Geek. Apart from protecting from the sun they serve to make emphasis after telling a bad joke.

What are your summer essentials? 🙂

This article has 1 comment

  1. Jessica | OhHeyJess.com

    Omg! The sunglasses are so cool! I also like the inflatable unicorn 😀

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