Thoughts & Discussion

Book series that got worse

Today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is about books that we liked and got us excited to read the sequels... only to disappoint us. Sometimes I dropped the series and sometimes I decided to suffered through it, either because my curiosity kept me going or because I had already bought the book. What do you do when you start disliking a series? And what's your Top 5? :D
Thoughts & Discussion

Characters I used to love

Let's talk about those book characters that we once loved but now we don't.  Today's Top 5 (from the T5W Goodreads group) is about characters that we loved the first time we read the book, but then we didn't. They might have changed, we might have changed or maybe we just outgrew them because we are so much more mature now. 

Misleading Book Synopses

Today's Top 5 Wednesday was supposed to be about synopses that made us think the book was totally different. But I don't think that has happened to me, especially because I either read books without knowing anything about them, or I read hundreds of reviews before even buying the book. There's no middle ground. Instead I decided to make a little game where I write a misleading synopsis for a popular book, and you guys can try to guess which book I'm talking about :D Ready? Go! (There's a picture with the answers at the end)
Thoughts & Discussion

Spooky Book Settings

Today's Top 5 is all about Halloween because the theme is Spooky Book Settings (*imagine ghost noises here*). And, you know what? A spooky setting doesn't necessarily come from a horror book.  You can get scared by a violent crime scene, or when your favorite…
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